Monday, December 5, 2011

numb fingers

Bunch of photos I've printed that don't really relate to anything but okay.

i really only like this cropped out like this.

we went on a journey to grandmother's

I really liked this shoot when it was still just an idea in my head and when it was in the canister and when they were just negatives. Now, though, as actual printed photos, I don't like it as much. And I think that has a lot to do with style and how my style seems to be "oh let's dress up these cute kids and make them play make believe and it's all cute and everything" and I think that I don't want to be so "cute" with my photography but it just ends up looking like it in the end.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

the fox and the wolf

The fox and the wolf.

summer's mind.

So I've had this image in my mind since the summer and I only got around to taking it today. One of the trees is now naked and the sun doesn't hit this area the right way but I don't care at this point.

growing like weeds

From the summer. Lazy days equals lazy photos.


Self portrait therapy turned into major anger session. Found out that the auto-focus sensors on my camera have finally worn out meaning I need to be saving up for a new body--problem is I don't know which model I want yet. And oh dear, money. Also, one of my eyebrows like to stay flat while the other just goes crazy. 

Bum face.


lol i dunno i just liked it.